PAA Europe Conference March 2021

Dear PAA-E members and friends,

Because of the pandemic situation, the PAA-E board and the National Museum of World Cultures decided to host the PAA-E meeting online with sessions on 25 and 26 March 2021. The meeting was originally organized to coincide with the exhibition A Sea of Islands – Masterpieces from Oceania at Museum Volkenkunde in Leiden and was set up around the theme of Remaking and Renewing Practices and Skills.

We were pleased to see a wide range of European members, but also people based in the Pacific attend and present papers. While we tried arranging time slots to fit timetables for the greatest number of people, we do want to acknowledge the people who stayed up very late or got up really early to attend! Fortunately for those who were not able to attend, videos are made available of all our sessions.

I would like to extend a personal note of thanks to Dr. Erna Lilje, junior curator western New Guinea for helping with the organization of this online meeting; to Julliette Huijgen for her zoom production skills and support; and of course, a big thank you to all who attended and contributed.

We will soon confirm our next meeting that we will hopefully have in person at a European location. During that meeting there will be elections for the positions of treasurer, secretary, vice-president and president.

Hope to see you all in the near future!

Dr. Wonu Veys,
Curator Oceania National Museum of World Cultures, the Netherlands and president of the PAA-E

Video links

1. Thursday 25 March 2021 – morning session: Not yet available
2. Thursday 25 March 2021 – afternoon session:
3. Friday 26 March 2021 – morning session:
4. Friday 26 March 2021 – afternoon session (before break):
5. Friday 26 March 2021 – afternoon session (after break): Not yet available