pacific arts association :: EUROPE

about the Pacific arts association Europe

The Pacific Arts Association-Europe (PAA-E) shares the stated aims of the international Pacific Arts Association (PAA).

As a result of a distinctly European focus towards the Pacific, mainly due to the history of contact between Europe and Oceania, the specific aims of PAA-E are:

  • To promote interest and research in documentation, archives, and collections of Oceania in Europe
  • To encourage diffusion of information through exhibitions, publications, symposia, broadcasting, and other media
  • To foster communication between institutions and individuals in Oceania and Europe in view of the general aims of PAA
  • To seek funds in support of the aims stated above

PAA-E members meet once a year at a museum or exhibition centre in Europe, combining the visit to an exhibition or collections with presentations on recent activities in the domains of Research and Exhibitions.


Wonu Veys

Anita Herle

Magali Mélandri

Stéphanie Leclerc Caffarel

Jacqueline Charles-Rault

Steven Hooper

Karen Jacobs

Christian Kaufmann

Magali Mélandri

Ulrich Menter

Aoife O’Brien

Philippe Peltier

Markus Schindlbeck

Beatrice Voirol

current paa europe

An Ocean of Connection: Oceanic art, artists and museums
Sainsbury Research Unit for the Arts of Africa, Oceania & the Americas

Wednesday 18 June – Friday 20 June 2025 - University of East Anglia (UEA), Norwich, UK
Since the 1980s Oceanic scholars (Wendt 1982; Hau‘ofa 1994; Teaiwa 2014, amongst others) have responded to the tendency, resulting from colonialism and developmentalism, for Oceania to be divided into clearly delineated and distinct areas by reminding Islanders and non-Islanders alike that the Pacific Ocean is a linking pathway rather than a separating boundary. They emphasised the connection to the ocean for many people living in the region; a place defined by the seascape as much as the landscape. This discourse continues to resonate and inspire scholars, curators, artists and practitioners in the region and beyond.

The main conference theme is related to the Sainsbury Centre’s exhibition season Can the Seas Survive Us? The exhibition includes Oceanic contemporary art and community responses to the issues that the Pacific region faces, particularly in Yuki Kihara’s Paradise Camp. The conference will explore the Pacific Ocean as a relational entity, as a powerful metaphor for connection, as a pathway that is reclaimed by Oceanic people today by celebrating the impressive navigational skills of their ancestors when settling the islands, as well as a pathway used by collectors who shipped artefacts to museums.

While papers can cover a range of topics, preference will be given to speakers who bring their own experiences, reflections and actions in response to the following themes:

— Past and present Oceanic artist/community-museum collaborations
— The cultural and/or political relationship between Oceanic communities and the Pacific Ocean
— The impact of climate change and its expression in the arts and/or museum collections and exhibitions
— The ocean as resource for Oceanic arts
— Collecting journeys of Oceanic arts
— Restitution, repatriation or long-term loans of objects
— Shifting exhibition and curatorial practices in relation to Oceania collections
— Possible futures for Moana Oceanic artist-museum collaborations

For those wishing to present papers at the conference, there are two types of presentation: (a) a paper of 20 minutes followed by 5-10 minutes discussion, (b) a report of 10 minutes. Please send abstracts of 150-200 words for papers or reports to , stating your full name in the body of the email, by 23.59 (UK time) on Friday 28 February 2025. Acceptance will be confirmed by Monday 24 March 2025, 17.00 (UK time), allowing time for presenters to make their travel arrangements.

Registration, with an outline meeting timetable and accommodation information, will be available soon thereafter. We expect the conference to run from the afternoon of 18 June until early evening of 20 June.

Scholarships for Participation at the Annual PAA-E Meeting

The Pacific Arts Association-Europe is offering up to two annual scholarships to support the participation of Pacific artists, students and scholars at the annual PAA-E conference. The scholarship is for a maximum of € 400; it pays in addition the cost of the conference fee and the conference dinner.


Pacific artists, students and scholars who propose a contribution to the annual PAA-E conference that is accepted by the conference organisers.


— Write a short statement (max. 200 words) explaining why attending the PAA-E meeting is important for you.
— Propose a paper, report or performance to be presented at the conference.
— Provide name and details of one external referee.

Applicants should contact their referee directly and ensure the reference is sent to the Scholarship Committee by the closing date. Applications, including a proposal for a presentation at the conference, should be sent to the Chair of the PAA-E Scholarship Committee, Anita Herle AND the President of the PAA-E, Wonu Veys by the closing date of 28 February 2025. Applicants will be informed of the outcome by 24 March 2025.