Category Archives: Announcements

Announcing our latest PAA Journal focusing on Arts Education in Oceania, guest edited by Anne E. Guernsey Allen This issue of Pacific Arts, which includes five contributions to a discussion roundtable, three articles, and one research note. The four Discussion Roundtable articles in this volume focus on teaching art in

Transmission | Art, Culture & Covid-19 |13-15 December 2021 (TBC) Online Conference Announcement & Call for Papers The Covid-19 pandemic has had global repercussions, severely impacting the arts and cultural sector and our young people. Arts, culture and youth lie at the core of the collaborative research project Urban Pathways:

Newly funded job opportunities for curatorial and collections work with Hawaiian and Pacific collections at Bishop Museum Honolulu The Bernice P. Bishop Museum is launching a transformative new program with the support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation that builds internal curatorial capacity at the Museum in preparation for designing

Message from the PAA President Ia’orana and Welcome! It is such a privilege to welcome you to the Pacific Art Association’s new website! We believe that this new platform better reflects what we do (and what we have done) as an organisation. It will provide information of both upcoming events

PAA Europe Conference March 2021 Dear PAA-E members and friends, Because of the pandemic situation, the PAA-E board and the National Museum of World Cultures decided to host the PAA-E meeting online with sessions on 25 and 26 March 2021. The meeting was originally organized to coincide with the exhibition

New publication: Pacific Arts vol. 20, no. 1 Art and Environment in Oceania We are pleased to announce that Pacific Arts, vol. 20, no. 1 (2020-2021) has been released as an open access online journal published through the University of California’s eScholarship platform. This thematic issue focuses on “Art and Environment in

ANNUAL PAA-EUROPE CONFERENCE 24-26 MARCH 2021 MUSEUM VOLKENKUNDE, LEIDEN Pacific Scholarships for Participation at the Annual PAA-E Conference The Pacific Arts Association-Europe is offering up to two annual scholarships to support the participation of Pacific Islander artists, students or scholars at the annual PAA-E conference. The scholarship is for a

PAA-E 2021 AT MUSEUM VOLKENKUNDE, LEIDEN, THE NETHERLANDS Remaking and Renewing Practices and Skills Wednesday 24 March – Friday 26 March The PAA-E is happy to announce that the annual PAA-E meeting which was due to be held in April 2020, is now going to be held from 24-26 March

A message from our PAA Europe President Dear PAA-E members Museums are closed. All events have been cancelled until 1 June as part of the Dutch Corona-Covid19 measures. These are difficult ever evolving times that call for flexibility. The museum team has been looking for alternative dates for holding the
